The growing interest in the sport of airsoft has lead Forest City
Surplus to open the first airsoft firing range in London.
Airsoft is a sport where 6 MM round plastic BBs are fired out of spring,
battery or gas powered guns. The sport originated from Japan in the
1980's where there was great interest in guns, but they are banned for
civilian use. The replica guns caught on and airsoft has been slowly
expanding around the world. "When we first started carrying airsoft 3
years ago we were flooded with anxious airsoft customers" says Tim
Hodges Marketing Director and Webmaster at Forest City Surplus. "We have been expanding
the number of guns we carry to 37 varieties." says Jamie Finnemore
Forest City Surplus airsoft expert. "We carry the classic look a likes
like the AK-47 and the infamous 1920's Tommy Gun." Says Finnemore. "We
have the largest selection of airsoft guns in Southwestern Ontario" says
Store Manager Bryan Wildman. "With Fanshawe and Western students getting stressed out
preparing for exams we expect to see college and university students in firing airsoft
guns to relieve stress." Says Hodges